Barbara, which isn’t a biopic on “La Dame en noir”, releases in theaters for the twentieth anniversary of the singer’s death. Mathieu Almaric shoots his sixth long feature film and comes back on la Croisette, where he won the “Prix de la mise en scène” in 2010 for Tournée. Christophe...

We enjoyed the release of Orpheline by Arnaud des Pallières, of Sage Femme by Martin Provost, and the selection of Michel Franco’s Les Filles d’Avril to a Certain Regard in Cannes, to ask some questions to Yves Cape, SBC member. Sage Femme by Marin Provost Synopsis : Claire is the exact example of straightness. She is...

  The SBC is proud to announce three new members : Wim Michiels, Wim Vanswijgenhoven and Bart Van Otterdijk Wim Michiels was born in Duffel in 1963. He attended the RITS and first started as a cameraman for different Belgian and European TV stations like TV-facility house Pitoors, VRT, VTM....

As the first conference of IMAGO’s education committee took place this month, we thought it would be interesting to ask a few question to Ella van den Hove, SBC member, DOP, teacher at INSAS and the HELB and member of IMAGO’s education committee.   Could you tell us more about...

“Vele Hemels” is the adaptation of  the first and successful novel “Vele Hemels boven de Zevende” by Griet Op de Beeck. Directed by Jan Matthys. Cinématographied by Stijn van der Veken, SBC, ASC. Production : Frank Van Passel with Caviar. The shooting started the 8th of February and will last 35 days until...

  Could you present yourself and your work in a few words ? SvdV : I did my studies at the IAD in Louvain-La-Neuve and graduated in 1989. I started working mainly for Belgian production companies initially as a AC. After several years I moved more into documentary shooting, travelled quiet a...

After winning the special jury award and the critic award at the 73rd Venice Film Festival, Koca Dünya (Big Big world) by Reha Erdem is now selected at the Cinemed. The photography is signed by Florent Herry, SBC member, who already did Singing Women which won Best Cinematography award at...

Juliette Van Dormael is a young Belgian DOP. She is only twenty five years old and yet she already has won the Best Cinematographer’s Debut award at CamerImage for her first feature film, Mon ange, by Harry Cleven. Previously she had already signed the photography of several short-films , noticed...

For the release of Rock On 2 by Shujaat Saudagar, we enjoyed asking a few questions to Marc Koninckx, famous director of photography and SBC /AFC member. I have seen you have worked a lot as a steadicam operator ? MK : In fact, at first I did a lot of...

A few weeks ago we did an article about the work of Frank van den Eeden on ‘Home’ by Fien Troch and less than a year ago we wrote a short article about his best cinematography award at the 51st Chicago Int Film Festival 2015 for ‘Full contact’. Why a new one ?...

Hotel Beau Séjour : Kato, covered in blood, wakes up without any recollection of what happened the night before. Moreover, nobody seems to see or hear her. Slowly it sinks in: she’s dead. Who did this to her? And how come a handful of people can still see her, as if...

Frank van den Eeden is an interesting cinematographer. He is mostly known for his work with Flemish directors such as Fien Troch and Jan Verheyen and has already won several awards for his work such as the best cinematography award at the 51st Chicago International Film Festival in 2015 for ‘Full...

Cinematographer Walther Vanden Ende started his career in 1975,  shooting films for Belgians leading directors like Gérard Corbiau, Jaco Van Dormael, André Delvaux, Stijn Coninx, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne, Robbe De Hert, Marion Hänsel, Vincent Bal, Raoul Servais. In doing so he shaped the look of Belgian films and influenced future...

The Dancer by Stéphanie Di Giusto, cinematography by Benoît Debie, SBC/AFC. Synopsis : Loïe Fuller was the toast of the Folies Bergères at the turn of the 20th century and an inspiration for Toulouse-Lautrec and the Lumière Brothers. The film revolves around her complicated relationship with protégé and rival Isadora Duncan....

Synopsis : In a room with no windows on the eastern coast of Africa, an Englishman, James More, is held captive by jihadist fighters. Thousands of miles away on the Greenland Sea, Danielle Flinders prepares to dive in a submersive to the ocean floor. In their confines they are drawn back...

The cinematographer Jean-François Hensgens, AFC, SBC discusses his work on After love by Joachim Lafosse. For his seventh feature film, the Belgian director Joachim Lafosse meets again the cinematographer Jean-François Hensgens, AFC, SBC, with whom he already worked on Avant les mots, Our children and The white knights. Jean-François gives...

Bjorn Charpentier, SBC, will sign the cinematography of the American feature film HIGH WIRE ACT written by Tony Gilroy (screenwriter of the Jason Bourne’s trilogy) and directed by Brad Anderson (The Call, Transsiberian, The Machinist). Principal cast: Jon Hamm (Mad Men) and Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl), but also Dean Norris (Breaking Bad),...

For the nomination of All the cats are grey by Savina Dellicour at the 69th Cannes Film Festival, in the Junior section, we asked a few questions to Thomas Buelens, SBC, about his work as a cinematographer. Why did you become a DOP ? TB: When I was about fourteen, I was a skateboarder. I...

The cinematographer Christophe Beaucarne, AFC, SBC talks about his work on From the Land of the Moon by Nicole Garcia. Nicole Garcia’s latest feature is an adaptation of the eponym novel written by the Italian Milena Agus : From the Land of the Moon. While she is no stranger to...

The wounded Angel by Emir Baigazin, shot by Yves Capes, AFC, SBC. With Omar Adilov, Timur Aidarbekov Release date : May 11th, 2016 In the early hours of the Kazakhstan independence, four moral tales, four teenagers who will burn their wings to survive in a place still marked by a...

For his appointment as a new SBC member, we have invited Frédéric Noirhomme for a coffee and have asked him a few questions.. Préjudice by Antoine Cuypers What does it feel like to have been appointed at the SBC ? FN : There are some members of the SBC with...

Glynn Speeckaret is a well-known name in the Belgian and French cinema circles. We have heard a lot about him this year for his nomination as best cinematographer at the César for Marguerite by Xavier Giannoli. He is also known for his diverse work on lights in movies such as...



Jean-François Hensgens is a SBC and AFC member. He shot many films such as Joachim Lafosse’s latest films : Entre les mots (MM), A perdre la raison (2012), The White Knights (2015) and L’Economie du couple (2016). He also did the lighting of Dikkenek and Go Fast by Olivier Van Hoofstadt, and All...

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