Set in rural Belgium during the eve of World War I, The Last Front follows local farmer, Leonard (Iain Glen) as his life is turned upside-down after German forces advance through his village. With no end in sight and after a family tragedy, Leonard must lead the resistance to take back everything he’d worked...

Emma Benestan’s Animale explores the world of bullfighting through the eyes of Nejma, a young woman forming her path in a world dominated by men. Set in Camargue, France, a region notorious for its bullfighting traditions, Nejma dreams of winning the local bullfighting competition. After news of a rogue bull, the local community is...

  Klette follows 26-year-old Morgane as she attempts to navigate her way through relationships and living at home and figuring out what she wants to do after graduatingcollege. It becomes apparent that Morgane is ultimately unsure of her future. For those unaware of the term, Klette is Brussels slang for moron, or...

Originally conceived and adapted into a six-part miniseries for VTM Go, Trizombie takes a unique and refreshing approach to the zombie genre. As a zombie virus threatens the future of mankind, an unlikely group embark on a dangerous journey to rescue their missing friend. Beautifully shot by DP Ruben Appeltans, Trizombie has been re-edited in a...

The Story of Souleymane is a film written and directed by Boris Lojkine and lensed by Tristan Galland. The film stars Abou Sangare as Souleymane, an immigrant from Guinea working for a food delivery service in Paris.  In two days, he has to go through his asylum application interview, the...

Directed by Marco Bolla and Jeanne Remi, Au Suivant follows ruthless casting director Jasmine as she auditions Emma, a young actor with a raw talent. Wanting to unleash her potential, Jasmine pushes Emma towards her breaking point. Ilona Vanouplinesserved as DP on the short film. “I studied at Narafi film school in Brussels,” begins Vanouplines. “That was ten years ago now and we recently had a reunion....

There’s a reason why four out of the five Academy Award nominees for Best Cinematography at this year’s Academy Awards were shot on film. While many Hollywood productions continue to opt for film over digital, shooting on film faces complications within the European film industry. Due to the shortage of...

Wannes Destoop’s Holy Rosita follows the upbeat Rosita, a woman eager to have children. Those who know her, however, believe she’s irresponsible as she can barely take care of herself. Dries Delputte served as cinematographer on the film.  Delputte went to NARAFI film school in Brussels and graduated in 2001/2. “Then, I ended up in the light department pretty fast and started doing...

The ITV series Archie follows the life and career of Archibald Leach, from his poverty-stricken upbringing in Bristol to his glamourous years as Hollywood heartthrob Cary Grant. Archie opens with one of Cary Grant’s final stage appearances in which he discusses his career in detail, leading to a series of flashbacks of events throughout his life. All four episodes were captured by Laurens De Geyter.  De Geyter began his career...

Originally conceived as a short film, Delphine Girard’s Through the Night continues the story of Anna, the emergency responder as she receives the call of a woman in danger. Beautifully captured by DP Juliette van Dormael, Through the Night had it’s premiere at the Giornate degli Autori program at the 80th Venice International Film Festival. Van Dormael studied at INSAS in Brussels before working on a...

Based on the novel by Flemish author Jeroen Olyslaegers, Wil follows Wilfried Wils in his attempts to survive as an auxiliary policeman during the Nazi occupation of Antwerp.Heyvaert was awarded Best DOP at the 2024 Ensors for his work on the film.  Heyvaert attended film school at RITCS in Brussels. “I ended up there because I had no...

Assisen is an interactive courtroom drama/thriller where the audience is the jury. Directed by Lenny Van Wesemael and Frank van Mechelen, season one centers around a murder in a ballet dancing academy. Van Mechelen returned as sole director on season two, which explores a grandfather sentenced for the murder of his granddaughter and is set in the...

Here I Go follows 17 year old Ruben as he voluntarily leaves for Albezon, a remote farm in the French Cevennes, where he will live and work with a Belgian host family for two months. Here I Go marks the first collaboration between director Jaan Stevens and DP Angela Otten. “We both studied at...

When her father dies at sea, Lena starts desperately looking for the cause, convinced a sea monster is to blame. Her relentless push against the tide reveals a tale of anger and grief, yet also of the strength and comfort the ocean provides. Sea Sparkle is the debut feature by...

Hidden Assets is an Irish/Canadian/Belgian crime drama. A spinoff of Acceptable Risk, Hidden Assets follows the Criminal Assets Bureau as they are drawn into an investigation with Antwerp at the heart of the events. DP Diego Dezuttere captured the Belgium sequences.   Dezuttere left film school in 2000 and then began working as a camera assistant. “I was Lou Berghmans camera assistant for years,”...

After the unexpected disappearance of their father, Audrey and her three siblings are abandoned in an old country house. Beautifully captured by DP Nastasja Saerens, The Lost Children sees Saerens reunite with director Michèle Jacob.  Nastasja Saerens studied at l’Institut des Arts de Diffusion in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, where she did a cinematography degree for four years. She then...

A young man living in Belgium returns to his native Congo with his pregnant girlfriend to visit his family and explore his complicated past. Disowned by his mother as a child after suspicions that he is an evil sorcerer, Koffi must come to terms with the superstitiousand ancient rituals that continue to haunt...

  When It Melts is a harrowing look at childhood trauma and the devastating consequences and scars it leaves us with. Veerle Baetens’ directorial debut reunites her with cinematographer Frederic Van Zandycke, having previously collaborated on series Cheyenne & Lola.  Van Zandycke didn’t take the traditional route into a filmmaking career. Instead of attending film school, at 14 he reached out to people and became...

Directed by Mounia Meddour, Houria follows young ballet dancer, Houria (exceptionally portrayed by Lyna Khoudri) who dreams of joining the Algerian National Ballet. Making ends meet as a cleaner and betting on ram fights, she is assaulted after winning a large sum of money on a bet. After the assault, Houria is unable to speak...

First aired in September on the American network AMC, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon is the French spin off of the successful show, The Walking Dead. It is the odyssey of Daryl Dixon (interpreted by the charismatic Norman Reedus) who mysteriously lands ona French beach and crosses a disrupted France ten years after the apocalypse, when most of the living population have turned into the walking dead. Populated by walkersand survivors, Dixon, in...

The Sixth Commandment is four-part BBC drama detailing the murders of Peter Farquhar and Ann Moore-Martin and the aftermath and painstaking investigation that follows. Expertly captured by DP Rik Zang, The Sixth Commandment is available to stream on BBC iPlayer.  Where did you train as a cinematographer?   I went to RITCS, a film school in Brussels, Belgium in...

Jessica Woodworth’s film tells the story of Luka, a young and ambitious soldier, who embeds himself in the legendary Fort Kairos where heroic warriors defend the remains of civilization. His hopes to serve as an elite sniper are crushed when he is assigned to maintenance and must submit to the code...

Stunningly captured by Olivier Boonjing SBC, Zeno Graton’s debut feature film Le paradis explores the relationship between teenagers William and Joe at a juvenile detention centre in Belgium.  “I first met Zeno at film festivals and through mutual friends a couple of years ago,” says Boonjing. “We spoke about how to approach making a film. He was very keen on having...

Overnight, Vincent is attacked by people for no apparent reason who try to kill him. He tries to continue living a normal life, but as the phenomenon escalates, he must flee and completely change his way of life… Selected out of competition at this years Cannes Critics’ Week, Stephan Castang’s...

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