Since Beirut by Brad Anderson is been released on Netflix Belgium this week-end we took the liberty to ask some questions to his cinematographer, Björn Charpentier, SBC, one of AC’s Rising Stars of Cinematography in 2017. Synopsis: A U.S. diplomat flees Lebanon in 1972 after a tragic incident at his...

  In Liège, a small French-speaking town in Belgium and the self-proclaimed “waffle capital of the world,” a child was born that no one could predict would become an internationally known cinematographer. Like so many kids, that child, Benoît Debie, has a character trait that all parents dread: he hates school....

As the film Weldi by Mohamed Ben Attia was selected at the Quinzaine des réalisateurs at Cannes this year we asked Frédéric Noirhomme some questions about making this film.     Weldi ( original en tunisian title) / Dear Son (international title) / Mon cher enfant (French title) by Mohamed...

In the 1960s, the combined peculiarities of the Belgian and American administrations deprived Yves Cape of any kind of citizenship until he was to turn 16. Born in Belgium, the only son of an American father and a Belgian mother, young Yves had to carry a ‘‘Stateless’‘ safe-conduct – a traumatizingly...

For the release of Red Sparrow we took the opportunity to chat with Jo Willems ASC, SBC about his work. This Belgian DP is known for his work on Hard Candy (David Slade, 2005), Limitless (Neil Burger, 2011), and three of the four Hunger Games films (Francis Lawrence, 2012-2015). Synopsis:...

On the top floor of a modest apartment building near the Brussels South Station lives a young independant, free, dynamic, and inviting woman. The light fuses from everywhere, from the North to the South, in every room, and it lights up the eyes of this creator of  images ; the orchestra’s first violin as it were. For Virginie this is a place of passage because this young woman is a nomad, always ready for far away departures.

The Insult by Ziad Doueiri was selected as the Lebanese entry for Best Foreign Language Film and is nominated for the Oscar at this year’s Academy Awards. It has also won the Bridging the Borders Award at the 2018 Palm Springs International Film Festival, along with the Best Actor Volpi...

On the occasion of the nomination of La Prière by Cédric Kahn, at the 68th Berlin International Film Festival, we asked Yves Cape, AFC/SBC a few questions. Synopsis: In order to treat his drug addiction Thomas, 22 years old,  joins an isolated community in the mountains, run by former addicts who cure themselves through prayer....

Ruben Impens, SBC, is nominated for Best Cinematography at the Magritte 2018 for Raw by Julia Ducournau. Synopsis: When a young vegetarian undergoes a carnivorous hazing ritual at vet school, an unbidden taste for meat begins to grow in her. Principal Cast:  Garance Marillier, Ella Rumpf, Rabah Nait Oufella Language: French...

For the release of F.C De Kampioenen 3 : Kampioenen Forever -the third feature based on the famous TV show- directed by Jan Verheyen, Philip finally accepted to answer to our questions ! Thank you Philip ! Synopsis: DDT is back. He managed to become the owner of FC De Kampioenen. Boma is...

  When 40-year-old Alex pays a surprise visit to her parents, she discovers her mother has vanished like a thief in the night. Alex’s father, who is suffering from dementia, cannot or will not tell his daughter why. After moving back into the family home, Alex discovers, bit by bit,...

For the the release of Promise at Dawn from Eric Barbier, Glynn Speeckaert, ASC, AFC, SBC, kindly woke up early in his Los Angeles house to answer our questions. Thank you Glynn! Pierre Niney and Charlotte Gainsbourg. Photo by Julien Panié Synopsis: Form his tough childhood in Poland, through his teenage years...

A guy from Liege, approaching his fifties, who became one of the several belgian DOP’s and camera operators known in the cinema world. Jean-François Hensgens is of a playful, dynamic, clever, cultivated, sensible and cultivated kind. After spending years as an AC, then as a camera operator and DP, he...

As 001Lithium X by Guy Moshe is in post-production, we took the liberty to ask Thomas Buelens, SBC, some questions about his first American movie. Synopsis : In a nearby future: due to the degrading ozone layer over the planet, the temperature has risen to 50 degrees Celsius during the day, therefore, turning the rhythm of life upside down –...

Girls with Balls, Olivier Afonso, the talented SFX make up artist‘s first feature film is currently in post production. We took the opportunity to ask Sacha Wiernik, SBC,  a few questions. Alright, tell us about you, what was your career ? SW : I studied at the INSAS between 89 and 93. Then I...

  Dutch cinematographer Frank van den Eeden (May 14, 1971), resident of Antwerp is best known for his work with directors such as Fien Troch, Nanouk Leopold and Jan Verheyen. Besides many nominations he has won several awards for his work as cinematographer. Most recent he won the Golden Calf...

  Philippe Guilbert, SBC/AFC, is known for having shot around thirty feature films, including Benoit Mariage’s first movies, “Les convoyeurs attendent” (1999), “L’Autre” (2003) and “Cowboy” (2007). He has also photographed “Pleure pas Germaine” from Alain de Halleux (2000) “Le bruit des gens autour” from Diastème (2008), “J’enrage de son...

We are in Antwerp, the dynamic city and the place where international exchanges happen. La Peruche is a typical bar-café where Brazilian music covers up the discussions. And this is the place where the meeting happens: a pensioned director who loves the technical aspect, the new technologies, … and a...

We enjoy the nomination of Wim Vanswijgenhoven as SBC member to ask him some questions about his work. Maverick by Domien Huyghe  Could you present yourself ? WV : I was born in Sint Truiden. I’m 33 years old and I finished my education at RITS about 9 years ago. I have been working since...

  Manu Dacosse is not to be introduced anymore. Director of Photography and member of the SBC, he won lots of prizes these last years, including The Magritte of the best photography 2016 for “Alleluia” from Fabrice du Weltz, The Magritte of the best photography 2015 for “L’étrange couleur des...

Two films shot by SBC members were awarded at Un certain Regard 2017  :  – Barbara by Mathieu Amalric, cinematographied by Christophe Beaucarne, SBC/AFC, won the Best Poetic Narrative Prize Read the interview – Las hijas de Abril by Michel Franco, cinematographied by Yves Cape, SBC/AFC won the Jury Prize Read the interview

Barbara, which isn’t a biopic on “La Dame en noir”, releases in theaters for the twentieth anniversary of the singer’s death. Mathieu Almaric shoots his sixth long feature film and comes back on la Croisette, where he won the “Prix de la mise en scène” in 2010 for Tournée. Christophe...

We enjoyed the release of Orpheline by Arnaud des Pallières, of Sage Femme by Martin Provost, and the selection of Michel Franco’s Les Filles d’Avril to a Certain Regard in Cannes, to ask some questions to Yves Cape, SBC member. Sage Femme by Marin Provost Synopsis : Claire is the exact example of straightness. She is...

  The SBC is proud to announce three new members : Wim Michiels, Wim Vanswijgenhoven and Bart Van Otterdijk Wim Michiels was born in Duffel in 1963. He attended the RITS and first started as a cameraman for different Belgian and European TV stations like TV-facility house Pitoors, VRT, VTM....

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