Guidelines for save film productions in Belgium.

Students from the various Belgian film schools conducted live Q&As with SBC members on their work and style. picture by Didier Frateur sbc

Seppe Van Grieken had an online conversation with SBC members Jo Willems, Bjorn Charpentier, Virginie Surdej and Ruben Impens on their work and films.

Industry has opened doors for Belgian cinematographers on the world stage, and an increasing number are now filming international movies and TV series. But what sparks this growing interest in Belgian talent, and do they bring a distinctly Belgian flavour? We asked members of the Belgian Society of Cinematographers (SBC)...

Christophe Nuyens SBC is currently shooting a series produced through Gaumont in Paris. Jon Fauer: You’re shooting in Full Frame with Technovision Classic 1.5x Anamorphics and ARRI ALEXA LF and Mini LF? Christophe Nuyens SBC: We have the Technovision Classic 40, 50, 75, 100 and 135 mm Prime and the...

Osmosis is a French-language Netflix original series about a dystopian dating app. Jean-François Hensgens AFC SBC was the cinematographer. Osmosis began streaming in March 2019. Jon Fauer: What cameras did you work with on Osmosis? Jean-François Hensgens AFC SBC: We used two RED MON- STRO 8K VV cameras, covering the entire area of the...

A little while ago I had the honour to spend a few hours talking to one of Belgian’s finest cinematographers. Back home for a short time from an extended pre-production period on Disney’s Cruella, I met Nicolas Karakatsanis in his home in Brussels. We spoke about the Belgian film industry, the...

When I left home to study cinematography at the Insas film school, my mother brought me a gift from Great Britain: a fuchsia pink t-shirt entitled “the advantages of being a woman artist”, created by a group of feminist artists called the Gorilla Girls. I wore it proudly, first at...

In this second part of our interview with Kommer Kleijn SBC, who recently was given the IMAGO International Honorary Member Award, we will dig a little deeper into the subject matter of higher frame rates for cinema (HFR). If you did not yet had a chance to read the first...

The SBC and Mediarte sat down with DOP Frank van den Eeden SBC,NSC to talk about past and future, his personal approach to projects and the importance of collaboration on the set. The diverse and impressive career of this honest personality is greatly appreciated by his colleague DOPs and his...

Kommer Kleijn is one of those rare people: a true genius who has made major contributions to progress in our profession. Variously a Director of Photography, a keen stereographer, a teacher at three different film schools, a specialist in VFX, as well as in motion control and animation, the co-founder...

Haïti, 1962. A man is brought back from the dead to be enslaved in the misery of sugar cane plantations. 55 years later, within the exclusive boarding school of the Légion d’honneur in Paris, an Haïtian teenage girl tells her friends about a mystery which haunts her family. She is...

After shooting their first feature together in 2004 – Steve + Sky – Felix Van Groeningen en Ruben Impens became one of the happy marriages in Belgian cinema. Their third creative child The Broken Circle Breakdown not only had a great foreign box office run, it was also nominated by the Academy for Best...

Directed by José Alcala, starring Daniel Auteuil, Catherine Frot, Bernard Le Coq. I met José during the shoot of the tv series “Speakrine”. He came to see me on set just before a night shoot, and at the sight of the number of trucks, he told me immediately that his film would...

Director of Photography Manu Dacosse, SBC, recently received the Magritte award for best cinematography on the movie Laissez bronzer les cadavres, by Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani. Adapted from the novel by Jean-Patrick Manchette and Jean-Pierre Bastid the film is a crossover between a western and Giallo, shot on film...

Under the supervision of Oscar winning DOP Anthony Dod Mantle, three SBC members worked on this production. Patrick Otten was the second unit DOP & Director / B-cam operator, Wim Michiels was responsible for the underwater shots, and Jo Vermaercke was appointed as steadicam operator / second unit dp-operator.

After the two success full films based on his novels, Jean-Christophe Grangé launches his follow up of “The Crimson Rivers” “des Rivières Pourpres”, but this time in the form of a tv series. Bruno Degrave, SBC, tells us about his work on this French-German eight part series for France 2...

In the complex world of film production and high-end TV productions, the role of the Digital Imaging Technician (DIT) can be very diverse. Depending on the size of the production, the scope and content of the work constantly evolves.  Visual effects, motion graphics and 2D / 3D animation and digital...

  From an early age, photographer Kris Dewitte had a love for cinema. “When I was seven years old, I was already looking at films that were not really intended for my age, but I had never thought that I would ever become a photographer” Kris recalls. “A future in...

Filmed over the course of two weeks « like doing a movie among friends”, the film Climax is faithful to the themes and style of Gaspar Noé (sex, drugs and a descent into hell). Mixing improvisation and extremely precise staging (like the choreography that opens the film), Benoît Debie, SBC, explains...

As Duelles by Olivier Masset-Depasse is presented for is Wold Premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in the Special Presentations category, Hichame Alaouié, SBC member and DOP of this beautiful film, was kind enough to answer our questions. Synopsis: Brussels, at the beginning of the sixties, Alice and Céline are neighbours in twin...

  When director Jaco Van Dormael gives 18-year-old Christophe Beaucarne the oral exam prior to his graduating from the INSAS (the famous Belgian film school), neither can imagine that twenty years later, they will be brothers-in-cinema, partners-in-crime on such films as Mister Nobody (2009) and The Brand New Testament (2015)....

Since Beirut by Brad Anderson is been released on Netflix Belgium this week-end we took the liberty to ask some questions to his cinematographer, Björn Charpentier, SBC, one of AC’s Rising Stars of Cinematography in 2017. Synopsis: A U.S. diplomat flees Lebanon in 1972 after a tragic incident at his...

  In Liège, a small French-speaking town in Belgium and the self-proclaimed “waffle capital of the world,” a child was born that no one could predict would become an internationally known cinematographer. Like so many kids, that child, Benoît Debie, has a character trait that all parents dread: he hates school....

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