Lou Berghmans is a SBC cinematographer. Indeed, he has shot some full-length such as Film 1 (2003) by Willem Wallijn, Marina by Stijn Coninx (2013), Ben X by Nic Balthazar (2007), and W. (2014), Groeten uit Balen (2011), Hel Van Tanger (2005), De Indringer (2004) by Frank Van Mechelen. He...

  Léonore Lacroix has a dazzling smile, sparkling eyes, an endless supply of good mood, an huge amount of patience, as well as many human and professional qualities. Many of you may have crossed her on sets or at rental companies. She worked as a second assistant camera and video assistant...

  Ruben Impens won the Best Cinematography award for Café Derby directed by Lenny Van Wesemael at the Vancouver International Women in Film Festival. The film also won awards for Best Feature, Best Editing and Best Direction. Synopsis : 1985. Georges is a born market vendor. As a driven salesman he...

Christophe Nuyens is a SBC DOP who recently worked on television series like The Tunnel season 2 by Tim Mielants (2016), Cordon season 1 also directed by Tim Mielants, for which he won the best photography award at Sao Paulo International TV Festival in 2014, Cordon season 2 by Eshref...

Robrecht Heyvaert is 28. He’s a Flemish DOP who has already made numerous short films that have been awarded such as Injury Times (2010) by Robin Pront, Broeders (2011) by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, Baghdad Messi (2012) by Sahim Omar Kalifa or De Vijver (2014) by Jeroen Dumoulein....

Ruben Impens is an SBC cinematographer, well-known for his work on all of Felix Van Groeningen’s films, but two in particular: The Misfortunates (2009), and The Broken Circle Breakdown (2012). He is also known for Café Derby by Lenny Van Wesemael (2015), Brasserie Romantique by Joël Vanhoebrouck (2012), Code 37 by...

Hichame Alouie is a belgian director of photography and a SBC member, already twice awarded at the Magritte for the quality of his images for Last winter (2011) by John Shank and Horses of God (2012) by Nabil Ayouch (which also received the best photography award at the Tanger Film...

Jean-François Hensgens is a SBC and AFC member. For instance, he has shot movies like Victor by Philippe Martinez (2014), Turk’s Head by Pascal Elbé (2010),  District 13: Ultimatum by  Patrick Alessandrin (2009), Dikkenek by Olivier Van Hoofstadt (2006) and Dark Tide by John Stockwell (2012). The white Knights is...

Renaat Lambeets, SBC member, cinematographer and well-known steadycamer enjoys both drama and documentary making. He has contribued to films as various as Whatever Lola wants by Nabil Ayouch (2007), No man is an Island by Tim de Keersmaecker (2015), Snake Dance by Manu Riche and Patrick Marnham (2012), and Any Way the Wind Blows by Tom...

All three of us by Kheiron, shot by Jean-François Hensgens (AFC/SBC), with Kheiron, Leïla Bekhti, Gérard Darmon. Released date : 30/12/2015 I met Kheiron at the begining of 2014. I had already read his script and we ran into each other in Simon Istolainen’s office at Adame Pictures. I was instantly excited about the...

CINEMATOGRAPHER: anton mertens

DIRECTOR: nicole van kilsdonk


DIRECTOR: Mélissa Drigeard /Laurent Dussaux


DIRECTOR: Patrick Glotz

CINEMATOGRAPHER: Richard Van Oosterhout

DIRECTOR: Whit Stillman


DIRECTOR: Kadir Balci & Hendrik Moonen

  Glynn Speeckaert shares his time between feature-length French-language and English-language films, but he also shoots many advertisements all over the world. Amongst his best-known films are his collaboration with Xavier Giannoli (“In the Beginning” and soon-to-be-released “Marguerite”), Koen Mortier (“Ex drummer”) and Guillaume Galienne on the comedy that won...

Christophe Beaucarne, AFC, SBC, works with loyal directors who call upon his talent to make most of their films. The list of these directors, from very different worlds – including the Larrieu brothers, Anne Fontaine, Bruno Podalydès, Mathieu Amalric –, recently grew with the addition of the name of Christophe...

Belgian cinematographer Benoît Debie, SBC, recently worked with Wim Wenders on Every Thing Will Be Fine and with Ryan Gosling on Lost River. Now a fixture in Gaspar Noé’s world after having filmed Irreversible and Enter the Void, Benoît Debie is once again working with the director on Love, a...

Yves Cape, AFC, SBC, became known as a cinematographer by filming Humanité, directed by Bruno Dumont. He then continued to work with the director all the way through Outside Satan. He has also worked with Claire Denis, Martin Provost, Cédric Khan, Guillaume Nicloux, and designed the lighting on Patrice Chéreau’s...

The Hunger Games franchise is a worldwide box office phenomenon, with legitimate critical praise to go along with record-breaking receipts.

“Hommes d’Argile” een film van Mourad Boucif,  met cinematografie van Michel Baudour.   Na de de realisatie en de productie van «les portes du Sacrifice », een verhaal dat de deelname van Marokkaanse soldaten in het Franse leger gedurende de Duitse invasie in 1940 verteld, schrijft Mourad Boucif, samen met de...

Manu Dacosse won this years best cinematography award for his on work on the film: L’étrange couleur des larmes de ton corps by Hélène Cattet et Bruno Forzani. Other nominees included Le goût des myrtilles : Philippe Guilbert, Virginie Saint Martin and Tokyo fiancée : Hichame Alaouié.  

En novembre 2014, l’Institut des Arts de Diffusion (IAD) a accueilli une conférence internationale traitant de l’influence des nouvelles technologies sur les méthodes d’enseignement de la prise de vues dans les écoles de cinéma, en collaboration avec la Société belge des directeurs de la photographie cinématographique (SBC) et IMAGO. L’objectif...

In November 2014, the Institut des Arts de Diffusion (IAD) hosted an international conference in collaboration with the Belgian Society of Cinematographers (SBC) and IMAGO, about the influence of new technology on the methods of teaching cinematography at film schools. The aim was to gather professors of cinematography working as...

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