The Dardenne Brothers Palme d’Or nominated film, Tori and Lokita is a heart-breaking portrayal of friendship between two young immigrants struggling to adjust to their new surroundings. Shot by The Dardenne Brothers long-time collaborator, Benoit Dervaux, Tori and Lokita is a gruelling study of identity and survival.     You...

  Single mother Jess, a nurse and recovering addict, moves into a farmhouse with her son Owen and daughter Skylar. Not long after settling in their new home, Owen is bitten by the family dog, leading to a mysterious infection with deadly consequences. Excellently shot by DP Björn Charpentier, Blood...

Loosely based on the Little Nemo comic strips, Slumberland follows Nemo (Marlow Barkley) and her adventures through the dreamworld of Slumberland. After discovering a secret map, Nemo is accompanied by the eccentric outlaw, Flip (Jason Momoa) on a quest to find a pearl that will grant Nemo her most desired wish. In...

17 years after the defeat of Queen Bavmorda, Willow Ufgood (Warwick Davis), has returned to lead a party of misfits on a new quest. Episodes one and two of the eight part series were captured by Stijn Van Der Veken SBC.  Willow is available to stream on Disney+.  Where did...

Emmanuelle Nicot’s debut feature film Love according to Dalva, also known as, Dalva follows 12-year-old Dalva (excellently portrayed by Zelda Samson), as she navigates her new life in social housing after being taken away from her abusive father. Although only 12, Dalva acts as if she is a woman. She views other women...

By Oliver Webb . The Claus Family (De Familie Claus) films follow the festive adventures of Jules Claus as he prepares for the busiest time of the year. Umedia VFX provided The Claus Family with visual effects, helping to bring to life The North Pole and Santa’s cabin, as well as the...

Manu Dacosse recently shot Simone, le voyage du siècle for director Olivier Dahan. The film explores the life of Simone Veil, a French survivor of the Holocaust who went on to become a leading politician, human rights campaigner, and feminist. The story is told through a series of non-chronological memories....

By Darek Kuźma. Belgian cinematographer Ruben Impens SBC followed his recent winning-streak with Felix Van Groeningen and Charlotte Vandermeersch’s mesmerising, Italian-language drama, The Eight Mountains. Although Impens enjoyed the greatest international recognition of his career, with Julia Ducournau’s Cannes Palme d’Or-winning Titane (2021), he has been shooting compelling films for...

  By Oliver Webb. Adapted from Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s stylised, theatre-esquefilm The Bitter Tears Of Petra Von Kant (1972, DP Michael Ballhaus ASC), Peter Von Kant marks director François Ozon’s second adaptation from the renowned German filmmaker’s canon, after his stage-to-screen rendering of Fassbinder’s play Tropfen Auf Heiße Steine into...

By Darek Kuźma. In the Cannes Palme d’Or-winning Titane, Belgian cinematographer Ruben Impens SBC once again collaborated with director Julia Ducournau to push the boundaries of cinematic experience and make what some have called the most shocking film of 2021, with its freaky and unrelenting bombardment of sex, violence, lurid...

By Oliver Webb. After the sudden death of his father, a handyman sets out to recover his missing hammer on a journey of self-discovery during a warm summer at the family-owned nudist campsite. Patrick (Kevin Janssens), a 38-year-old with a bowl haircut and learning difficulties, lives at home with his...

For Fiona Braillon, who trained as a Director of Photography at the “Institut des Arts de Diffusion in Brussels” (IAD), Belgium was more than just a diversion, but rather fertile ground for long-term working companionship. She gave us her view of this journey that has taken her all over the...

DOP Maxime Lahousse and our SBC members Seppe Van Grieken, Christophe Nuyens, Dries Delputte and Frank van den Eeden were invited by the Flemish Film Podcast for a “Round Table”. They talk about their profession as DOP, the SBC, having success working abroad, maintaining a work-life balance and much more.It is available via the RSS feed in podcast apps, via the website of...

Cinematographer Olivier Auverlau sbc teamed up with director Ivan Mora to shoot the film “Yellow glasses” on location in Ecuador. The film recently won best cinematography awards at the Orlando film festival and the Kunturñawi film Festival. Olivier Auverlau: “Yellow Glasses” tells the story of a 30-year-old woman who, after...

With Serre-moi fort, his eighth feature film, Mathieu Amalric returns to the Croisette for the third time, where he won best director in 2010 for Tournée. Christophe Beaucarne, AFC, SBC, the faithful DP to many directors, has worked on almost all Amalric’s feature films. He has created a discreet and minimalistic lighting for this melodrama...

With her 2nd film, French director Julia Ducournau had to top the sensation she made at the 2016 Festival with Grave. She did indeed, with Titane, an even more radical work in which the main character’s trajectory borrows as much from the horror genre as from romance. Ruben Impens SBC, who was also the...

Always surprising and prolific, Belgian cinema sends this year to the Critics’ Week a very nice portrait of a young woman played by Adèle Exarchopoulos. Rien à foutre (which was called Carpe Diem when it was filmed so as not to scare people!) is also a dive into the ruthless...

Fiona Braillon began her career in cinematography together with Rachel Lang,  a young Belgian director. After graduating from the IAD (Institute of Broadcasting Arts) in 2010, Fiona Braillon signed in 2016 the cinematography of Rachel Lang’s first feature film, Baden Baden, then, four years later, that of My Legionnaire. This...

Virginie Surdej, SBC, Belgian Cinematographer, won the Magritte for Best Image for Une famille syrienne, by Philippe Van Leeuw, AFC. Amine Messadi, TSC, Tunisian cinematographer, signed the pictures of Sortilège, the feature film by Tunisian Alaeddine Slim, presented at the Directors’ Fortnight in 2019. After working together on Razzia and...

The final selection of the 2021 Cannes International Film Festival has been announced and features an impressive number of films cinematographed by Belgian Directors of Photography. The cinematographic “Belgitude” has truly claimed its place on the international film stage. We are proud to present the 12 members of the Belgian Society of Cinematographers (SBC) who participate in...

The Mexican filmmaker Michel Franco (Después de Lucia, Les Filles d’Avril, Chronic …) portrays in his new film a popular revolt in the heart of the Mexican capital and its repercussions on society. Preferring a progressive narration from a single starting point (a big wedding party in high society), we...

A few months ago Hichame Alaouié received his third Magritte for best cinematography for his collaboration with Oliver Masset-Depasse on Duelles (2018). Further recent credits in his career include the film Convoi Exceptionnel by Bertrand Blier (2019), of a few episodes of the series Le bureau des Légendes (2015-2017), Faut...

Seppe Van Grieken SBC in conversation with Andrij Parekh ASC on shooting the HBO series Succession. Topics include making the show look real, how to get coverage and shooting on film.

The lives of ten strangers intertwine when they join a weight-loss camp and are faced not only with the battle against their bodies, but also their minds – and each other. With a dead mother, a dark secret and lots of unresolved resentment, camp guru Bart has his own demons...

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