Philippe Guilbert, SBC/AFC, is known for having shot around thirty feature films, including Benoit Mariage’s first movies, “Les convoyeurs attendent” (1999), “L’Autre” (2003) and “Cowboy” (2007). He has also photographed “Pleure pas Germaine” from Alain de Halleux (2000) “Le bruit des gens autour” from Diastème (2008), “J’enrage de son...

North Sea Texas is a film by Bavo Defurne and shot by Anton Mertens. Pim lives with his ex-beauty queen, single mother in a small town on the Belgian coast.  An introverted boy, Pim brightens up his days with drawing and dreaming up fantasy lives.  He expresses his emerging desires...

by michel baudour Even if SBC was well represented in Camerimage this year in Bigdsoszcz with 3  feature films:  photographed by Anton Mertens  and directed by Bavo Defurne « North Sea Texas », the film photographed by J-François Hensgens, directed by Yilmaz Arslan « Fratricide », and the film photograped by Alain Marcoen directed...

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